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DeepELMModel.DeepELMModel Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for DeepELMModel.DeepELMModel:

Public Member Functions

 __init__ (self, classification=True, layers=None, verbose=0)
 add (self, layer)
 fit (self, x, y)
 predict (self, x)
 predict_proba (self, x)
 summary (self)
 to_dict (self)
 save (self, file_path)
 load (cls, str file_path)

Public Attributes


Detailed Description

    Deep Extreme Learning Machine (Deep ELM) Model.

    This class implements a Deep ELM model, which is a variant of the Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) that
    incorporates multiple layers. Each layer of the Deep ELM model consists of an ELM layer.

        classification (bool, optional): Whether the task is classification or regression.
            Defaults to True.
        layers (list, optional): List of ELMLayer objects representing the layers of the model.
            Defaults to None.
        verbose (int, optional): Verbosity level (0 for silent, 1 for progress bar).
            Defaults to 0.

        classes_ (array-like): Unique class labels.
        classification (bool): Indicates whether the task is classification or regression.
        layers (list): List of ELMLayer objects representing the layers of the model.
        verbose (int): Verbosity level.

        add(layer): Add an ELMLayer to the model.
        fit(X, y): Fit the Deep ELM model to training data.
        predict(X): Predict class labels or regression values for input data.
        predict_proba(X): Predict class probabilities for input data.
        summary(): Print a summary of the model architecture.
        to_dict(): Convert the model to a dictionary of attributes.
        save(file_path): Serialize the model and save it to an HDF5 file.
        load(file_path): Deserialize a model instance from an HDF5 file.

    Initialize a ReceptiveFieldGenerator with input size (28, 28, 1) and 10 output classes

    >>> rf = ReceptiveFieldGenerator(input_size=(28, 28, 1), num_classes=10)

    Initialize a DeepELMModel

    >>> model = DeepELMModel()

    Add ELMLayers to the model with different numbers of neurons and the same receptive field generator
    The receptive field generator ensures that each layer has the same receptive field configuration

    >>> model.add(ELMLayer(number_neurons=1000, receptive_field_generator=rf))
    >>> model.add(ELMLayer(number_neurons=2000, receptive_field_generator=rf))
    >>> model.add(ELMLayer(number_neurons=1000, receptive_field_generator=rf))

    Define a cross-validation strategy

    >>> cv = RepeatedKFold(n_splits=n_splits, n_repeats=n_repeats)

    Perform cross-validation to evaluate the model performance

    >>> scores = cross_val_score(model, X, y, cv=cv, scoring='accuracy', error_score='raise')

    Print the mean accuracy score obtained from cross-validation

    >>> print(np.mean(scores))

    Fit the ELM model to the entire dataset

    >>>, y)

    Save the trained model to a file

    >>>"Saved Models/DeepELM_Model.h5")

    Load the saved model from the file

    >>> model = model.load("Saved Models/DeepELM_Model.h5")

    Evaluate the accuracy of the model on the training data

    >>> acc = accuracy_score(model.predict(X), y)

Member Function Documentation

◆ add()

DeepELMModel.DeepELMModel.add ( self,
layer )
    Add an ELMLayer to the model.

        layer (ELMLayer): An ELMLayer object representing the layer to be added.

    Add ELMLayers to the model with different numbers of neurons and the same receptive field generator

    >>> model.add(ELMLayer(number_neurons=1000, receptive_field_generator=rf))

◆ fit() ( self,
y )
    Fit the Deep ELM model to training data.

        x (array-like): Training input samples.
        y (array-like): Target values.

    Initialize a ReceptiveFieldGenerator with input size (28, 28, 1) and 10 output classes

    >>> rf = ReceptiveFieldGenerator(input_size=(28, 28, 1), num_classes=10)

    Initialize a DeepELMModel

    >>> model = DeepELMModel()

    Add ELMLayers to the model with different numbers of neurons and the same receptive field generator
    The receptive field generator ensures that each layer has the same receptive field configuration

    >>> model.add(ELMLayer(number_neurons=1000, receptive_field_generator=rf))
    >>> model.add(ELMLayer(number_neurons=2000, receptive_field_generator=rf))
    >>> model.add(ELMLayer(number_neurons=1000, receptive_field_generator=rf))

    Fit the ELM model to the entire dataset

    >>>, y)

◆ load()

DeepELMModel.DeepELMModel.load ( cls,
str file_path )
    Deserialize a model instance from an HDF5 file.

        file_path (str): The file path from which to load the serialized instance.

        DeepELMModel: An instance of the DeepELMModel class loaded from the file.

    Initialize a ReceptiveFieldGenerator with input size (28, 28, 1) and 10 output classes

    >>> rf = ReceptiveFieldGenerator(input_size=(28, 28, 1), num_classes=10)

    Initialize a DeepELMModel

    >>> model = DeepELMModel()

    Add ELMLayers to the model with different numbers of neurons and the same receptive field generator
    The receptive field generator ensures that each layer has the same receptive field configuration

    >>> model.add(ELMLayer(number_neurons=1000, receptive_field_generator=rf))
    >>> model.add(ELMLayer(number_neurons=2000, receptive_field_generator=rf))
    >>> model.add(ELMLayer(number_neurons=1000, receptive_field_generator=rf))

    Load the saved model from the file

    >>> model = DeepELMModel.load("Saved Models/ELM_Model.h5")

◆ predict()

DeepELMModel.DeepELMModel.predict ( self,
x )
    Predict class labels or regression values for input data.

        x (array-like): Input samples.

        array-like: Predicted class labels or regression values.

    Initialize a ReceptiveFieldGenerator with input size (28, 28, 1) and 10 output classes

    >>> rf = ReceptiveFieldGenerator(input_size=(28, 28, 1), num_classes=10)

    Initialize a DeepELMModel

    >>> model = DeepELMModel()

    Add ELMLayers to the model with different numbers of neurons and the same receptive field generator
    The receptive field generator ensures that each layer has the same receptive field configuration

    >>> model.add(ELMLayer(number_neurons=1000, receptive_field_generator=rf))
    >>> model.add(ELMLayer(number_neurons=2000, receptive_field_generator=rf))
    >>> model.add(ELMLayer(number_neurons=1000, receptive_field_generator=rf))

    Fit the ELM model to the entire dataset

    >>>, y)

    Evaluate the accuracy of the model on the training data

    >>> acc = accuracy_score(model.predict(X), y)

◆ predict_proba()

DeepELMModel.DeepELMModel.predict_proba ( self,
x )
    Predict class probabilities for input data.

        x (array-like): Input samples.

        array-like: Predicted class probabilities.

    Initialize a ReceptiveFieldGenerator with input size (28, 28, 1) and 10 output classes

    >>> rf = ReceptiveFieldGenerator(input_size=(28, 28, 1), num_classes=10)

    Initialize a DeepELMModel

    >>> model = DeepELMModel()

    Add ELMLayers to the model with different numbers of neurons and the same receptive field generator
    The receptive field generator ensures that each layer has the same receptive field configuration

    >>> model.add(ELMLayer(number_neurons=1000, receptive_field_generator=rf))
    >>> model.add(ELMLayer(number_neurons=2000, receptive_field_generator=rf))
    >>> model.add(ELMLayer(number_neurons=1000, receptive_field_generator=rf))

    Fit the ELM model to the entire dataset

    >>>, y)

    Evaluate the accuracy of the model on the training data

    >>> pred_proba = model.predict_proba(X)

◆ save() ( self,
file_path )
Serialize the current instance and save it to a HDF5 file.

- path (str): The file path where the serialized instance will be saved.


    Initialize a ReceptiveFieldGenerator with input size (28, 28, 1) and 10 output classes

    >>> rf = ReceptiveFieldGenerator(input_size=(28, 28, 1), num_classes=10)

    Initialize a DeepELMModel

    >>> model = DeepELMModel()

    Add ELMLayers to the model with different numbers of neurons and the same receptive field generator
    The receptive field generator ensures that each layer has the same receptive field configuration

    >>> model.add(ELMLayer(number_neurons=1000, receptive_field_generator=rf))
    >>> model.add(ELMLayer(number_neurons=2000, receptive_field_generator=rf))
    >>> model.add(ELMLayer(number_neurons=1000, receptive_field_generator=rf))

    Save the trained model to a file

    >>>"Saved Models/ELM_Model.h5")

◆ summary()

DeepELMModel.DeepELMModel.summary ( self)
    Print a summary of the model architecture.

◆ to_dict()

DeepELMModel.DeepELMModel.to_dict ( self)
    Convert the model to a dictionary of attributes.

        dict: A dictionary containing the attributes of the model.

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